

and Chief Perfumer

"Believe in your dreams,
craft them with passion and be resilient."

is the
key to success

“My motivation is to craft my ideas
until reaching the expected result”

If perfection was necessary to define success I would certainly qualify high in failure. Failure has been my life school and provided me with precious lessons from both an instrospective and a professional point of view. Through failure, adversity and big challenges, I have discovered my strengthts and weaknesses. This self-awareness, empowered by the practice of advanced meditation, has enabled me to pursue in my journey towards self-improvement. Funny enough, failure has been my key to open the doors to success.

In spite of being inexperienced when my business partner and I founded Chemarome (a fragrance house) at age 19, our passion, boldness and resilience helped us progress from a "garage" company into a significant business with a distinctive international reach.

After 17 years of enterpreneurial adventure, ups and downs, lights and shadows, my most valuable conquests are freedom, self-awareness and fortitude. This is the unique legacy I will leave to my 3 children.


A glimpse of my life